April 2020 - Writer's Insomnia

'The Walking Dead Vol. 2: Miles Behind Us' by Robert Kirkman, Charlie Adlard and Cliff Rathburn | book review

By Julita Stefaniak - April 14, 2020
Rating: 5/5 Goodreads link: The Walking Dead, Vol. 2 Read: physically (Polish) Dates read: 01/04/2020 Pages: 134 If you haven't seen my review of The Walking Dead, Vol. 1 click >>HERE<< The second volume of The Walking Dead, in my opinion, is definitely better than the first one. Instead of mostly focusing on Rick, it followed the story of the whole group of the survivors....

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'The Walking Dead Vol. 1 - Days Gone Bye' by Robert Kirkman and Tony Moore | book review

By Julita Stefaniak - April 07, 2020
Rating: 4/5 Goodreads link: The Walking Dead Vol. 1 Read: physically (in Polish)  Dates read: 31/03/2020 - 01/04/2020 Pages: 142 I made two attempts to watch the TV show but both were pretty unsuccessful somewhere in the second season. I can't quite pinpoint the reason behind it as I somewhat enjoyed the plot and didn't mind the gory zombies. I also watched a...

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O.W.L.S. Readathon: My TBR for the month

By Julita Stefaniak - April 01, 2020
I honestly love taking part in readathons as they serve as great motivation (and I usually need that) to get more reading done. I also get weirdly excited about putting together my tbr and looking through my books to chose what I'll read. The prepared stack of books that currently stares at me from the corner of my desk fills me with so...

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