May 2020 - Writer's Insomnia

'Safe Haven' by Nicholas Sparks | book review

By Julita Stefaniak - May 10, 2020
Rating: 4.5/5 TW: abuse When I was younger I promised myself I would read all Nicholas Sparks's books. I adored his writing style and the way he created his stories; they would usually leave me bawling my eyes out at the very thought of what had happened in the novel and I lived for that. Then Message in the bottle happened (a really...

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'The Walking Dead Vol. 3: Safety Behind Bars' by Robert Kirkman, Charlie Adlard and Cliff Rathburn | book review

By Julita Stefaniak - May 02, 2020
Rating: 5/5 Goodreads link: The Walking Dead Vol. 3 Read: physically (Polish) Dates read: 01/04/2020 Pages: 134 If you haven't read my previous reviews: The Walking Dead Vol. 1 click >>HERE<< The Walking Dead Vol. 2 click >>HERE<< The third volume of The Walking Dead was similarly good to the second one, if not even better. I flew through it in one sitting...

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