New Years in the mountains - Writer's Insomnia

New Years in the mountains

By Julita Stefaniak - January 13, 2020

Ever since I can remember I had always dreamed of spending the New Years in the mountains. Rent a lovely cabin surrounded by thick snow and high bens, what could be more beautiful. 
Oh, I know.
Spending it with someone special. 
The content on this blog is usually just my book reviews or occasional bookishly themed posts, but (until now) never beyond that. I decided to make this space more personal, special, hence a post in the form of a diary with some cute/funny/candid/special photos to accompany it. 

The few days I spent in the Polish mountains with my boyfriend were the perfect way to jump into 2020. 

29th December 2019 

Zakopane around the New Years is a pretty popular destination, and because we left buying tickets for like 2 weeks prior to when we wanted to go (that might have been my fault, but we don't talk about that), we had to jump on a train at 6:30 in the morning. We slept most of the way through, so it was fine. 
When the train stopped, the view from the window suggested we were waiting to arrive at the station. I even joked how they will just start letting us out, and well, they did.

The snowy landscapes were dreamy, but it was cold. Unfortunately, we had to wait half an hour for our Airbnb host. But at least we weren't bored, some of us even entertained. 
Was it John shuffling snow or me looking and taking pictures? We'll never know. 


The rest of the day is kinda a blur. We definitely went to get groceries and took a nap in the warm comfy bed. 

30th December 2019

We went on top of Gubałówka (try saying that if you're not Polish) and I have to say, it was breathtaking. It was quite slippery, especially towards the evening, but I loved every second we spent there.


Candid photos are not always as cute as we want them to be. 

But sometimes they are :)

When we came down we were cold and starving, so we went to a restaurant with polish cuisine (or was it? I honestly don't remember). All I know it was bloody good and I ate so much I could barely move. To finish off the lovely evening we went ice skating. 

31th December 2019

Ahh, the New Years Eve. My lazy ass wanted to stay in the whole day, but I'm describing that as much needed rest after all that walking and all those people. If you didn't know I'm an introvert, now you do!

We spent the evening lowkey, together. We got sushi (which was as delicious as it was expensive), made butterbeer and ate onion flavoured crackers. We watched Dirty Dancing and listened to some music. We drank wine and champagne. 

The making of butterbeer

Now I'm craving sushi. 

1st January 2020 

We stayed in, spent the day together. I don't have any photos of that day. We watched movies, ate leftover sushi. It was nice. 

2nd January 2020 

And the fairy tale ends here. Time to hop on the train back to Warsaw, away from the snow and high mountains. 

Those five days in Zakopane gave me a lot of strength and love for the new year. Thee parties are fun, but I honestly think I peeked and a romantic getaway was (and will remain) my ideal way to spend New Years!

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  1. I have always also dreamed about spending the New Year's season in the mountains with my Significant One and I am really amazed that this year it was possible! <3

    "I even joked how they will just start letting us out, and well, they did" Yees, I remember it clearly, it was very funny! :D

    The trip to Gubałówka was really amazing, even though the Polish mountains are not the highest but we could still feel, like we're on the top of the world!
    Yes, it was Polish cousine and you took an amazing Polish Żurek with sausage and egg! It was so yummy!

    The way of spending the New Year's Eve was my favourite, lowkey, with the Love of My Life <3!

    You look spectacular here, all of these photos are so great and entertaining :D <3

    This whole journey was truly astonishing and simply A-MAZ-ING! I would love to repeat that next year Babe 🥰 🥰 <3!
