Reading goals for 2020 - Writer's Insomnia

Reading goals for 2020

By Julita Stefaniak - January 07, 2020

Even though I abandoned this blog for another long while, I come back to it in my thoughts quite regularly. As I'm writing this, the first week of 2020 is coming to an end, and with that, the desire to write more doesn't seem to disappear. So, here I am. 
I think I'm gonna go back a few years when it comes to the blog posts style, make it more of my reading journal, rather than try to force myself to write nicely-constructed book reviews. My experience shows, I'm quite unsuccessful with doing that long term. 
My next posts will show if that's the way to go.

Today, I want to focus on my reading goals for 2020, as I realised I have a few. I want to write them down, so next January I can come back to them and see what I managed to get done. 

Read 60 books

In 2019 I managed to get through whooping 56 books, which is more than I even dreamed of (my original goal was set for 30 books). 
So this year I'm obviously aiming for more. But, there is one thing I want to stress out - at the end of the day, it's the quality that really counts. If I don't like a book, I don't want to be scared to DNF it, only because I'm halfway done with it and Goodreads says I'm behind. 
Life is too short to read bad books. 

Read more from my TBR pile 

I came up with this one last night when the pile on my bedside table suddenly collapsed, shattering the glass and making it explode all over my pillows and my unmade bed (and we all know sleeping with glass is not cool). 
I started the year with 42 books on my bedside table. I want to finish the year with (ideally) less than 32. 

Read more nonfiction 

Books are the perfect way to learn more about the world around us, so it's time I took advantage of that. Last year the only nonfiction I read were self-help books. There is nothing wrong with that, but I really want to get more out of books. Does this mean I'm getting old? 

Read more for class 

I have a confession to make - I suck at reading set books for classes. Yes, I am an English literature major and more often than not, I'm not that well prepared for seminars. This semester I'm going to take only one literature class, which gives me the perfect opportunity to finally read everything I'm supposed to. Or at least more than half of it. 

I think that's it. I know it's not a lot and nothing special or exciting, but that's genuinely what I want to remember and focus on in the newly started year.  

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  1. It is always the best to write the way you like it, because it gives you the opportunity to really express yourself and not follow the strict frames. Of course, the framework is sometimes helpful, but I guess the personal posts are more interesting ❤️! Can't wait to get to read more of your posts here!

    I really admire that you reached your goal of books read and hope this year you will get more, as you assume :D. I agree that there is nothing wrong with quitting the book you don't like instead of forcing yourself to read it till the end.

    I really like the idea of reading more non-fiction as it is fascinating for me and I hope you will like it. I am not that old, right? :D

    I am crossing my fingers for you to manage to read the books for class, this one is a great resolution! 😘
