'I Do - Or Do I?' by Karen King | book review - Writer's Insomnia

'I Do - Or Do I?' by Karen King | book review

By Julita Stefaniak - February 10, 2020

Rating: 3/5
Goodreads link: I Do - Or Do I?
Read in: English (physically)
Dates read: 19/01/20 - 20/01/20
Pages: 252

I've finished this book a while back, so the review won't probably be as detailed as I originally planned it to be but at least it's coming out!
I picked this book up in the library on a whim, didn't really know much about it. It was the cute cover that sold it for me. I absolutely love the style of it and if I ever publish a romance novel, I'll definitely want something similar. 

TW: talk of weight-loss and food restrictions

The plot of this book sounds like a perfect cute romance with a heart-gripping love triangle. Cassie, a local journalist, is getting married to a hot-shot lawyer. She gets a column at her newspaper to describe the preparations leading up to the wedding. Everything would be ideal if not the future mother-in-law who wants to decide on everything. She books an exclusive photographer to photograph the ceremony but when Cassie walks in to meet him there is one tiny problem - the photographer turns out to be her ex-fiance, Jared. 
The situation seems to have reached a peak of awkwardness but it only gets worse when by mistake Cassie submits the wrong article for the column - the article that instead of the typical troubles of the bride-to-be describes the real events and makes all the readers wonder - who will she choose. 

I flew through the book. I think King created a relatable character who can't stand up to the mother-in-law and is trying to figure out where her heart truly is. She was quite funny and at times awkward but I wish she underwent a bigger change when it comes to sticking to her opinion. 
The plot all in all was interesting and I found it quite vivid. Both Timothy (the twat) and his mother were getting on my nerves which made me empathise with the main character even more. It was pretty predictable but honestly, I really enjoyed the journey. 

Unfortunately, I had a big problem with the writing style as at times it was too simple or awkward. Especially the articles Cassie was writing! I don't think she deserved to have a column in a newspaper, to be honest. 
I also didn't like the weight-loss talk. At first, it only seemed like the mother-in-law was pursuing the idea that a fat bride is possibly the worst thing that can happen when getting married and I didn't mind that. It really fitted her character. What I hated was Cassie agreeing to that and either hiding the fact she was eating chocolate or drinking a coffee with milk and sugar (wtf?) or sticking to a salad when all she wanted was cake. 

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  1. This book seems very interesting, abut as you said it can be predictible. I didn't read it and was just guessing from your descriptions and from the very begining I guessed she would choose Jared.

    That's disappointing that the articles written were bad, as a future journalist that hurts me 😂😂😂!

    However I am happy that you liked this book overall😀! I am looking forward to reading your next reviews Babe 😍❤!

  2. This book seems very interesting, abut as you said it can be predictible. I didn't read it and was just guessing from your descriptions and from the very begining I guessed she would choose Jared.

    That's disappointing that the articles written were bad, as a future journalist that hurts me 😂😂😂!

    However I am happy that you liked this book overall😀! I am looking forward to reading your next reviews Babe 😍❤!
