'The Walking Dead Vol. 1 - Days Gone Bye' by Robert Kirkman and Tony Moore | book review - Writer's Insomnia

'The Walking Dead Vol. 1 - Days Gone Bye' by Robert Kirkman and Tony Moore | book review

By Julita Stefaniak - April 07, 2020

Rating: 4/5

Goodreads link: The Walking Dead Vol. 1
Read: physically (in Polish) 
Dates read: 31/03/2020 - 01/04/2020
Pages: 142

I made two attempts to watch the TV show but both were pretty unsuccessful somewhere in the second season. I can't quite pinpoint the reason behind it as I somewhat enjoyed the plot and didn't mind the gory zombies. I also watched a gameplay of The Walking Dead and even played a few episodes with my boyfriend before finally finding the first three volumes on my brother's bookshelf (thanks Adrian!) and deciding to give them a go. 

The theme seems quite fitting to the current global situation, as the first volume Days Gone Bye starts with the main character Rick waking up from a coma to find out the world is not the same anymore - there is an epidemic where the dead end up... not quite dead enough. 

I haven't read a graphic novel in years and I forgot how much fun it is. You get totally sucked into the world both visually and through words. There is something comforting in being able to shut off your imagination and just let the artwork and the dialogue guide you through the story. 

I absolutely adore the graphics in this book which sounds odd when talking about zombies. But the art is not trying to scare you, rather just show you the world as it is. It focuses on the main character and his friends, it's purpose is mainly to share their journey through the strange times of an epidemic. It creates an amazing atmosphere of uncertainty and serves as a fascinating background for the plot to take place. 

The plot would probably be more interesting to someone who hasn't watched the show as it is almost identical to the first few episodes. Rick is as annoying on the pages as he is on the screen. He has to be my least favourite character out of all. He has, what I like to call, a hero syndrome; always thinks he should be the one to take the lead even when no one else wants him to.

The dialogues sometimes were awkward and are the main reason I gave this book a 4-star rating. Often I was taken aback and thought to myself, 'No one would say that... ever!'. I wonder if that's the fault of the polish translation and the inability to find a good substitute for some English expressions. I'll definitely check that if I ever get the chance to get my hands on the original version of The Walking Dead. 

This book was read for the O.W.L.s readathon. More about it: here

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  1. I am happy to read your review Babe <3!

    Well, I started also with the graphic novels borrowed from the public library. Later on, I started playing The Walking Dead games and I found them pretty amazing as it was the second game of this type I ever played - graphic interactive fiction. Playing it with you Babe was an amazing experience <3! Thank you for every second of it 😍!

    I guess that kind of relief for your imagination - to let the artworks and dialogues do the work is pretty fun and I love the fact you could take this step :D! I guess this can only encourage me to re-read some graphic novels like Tytus, Romek i A'Tomek 😂

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