'The Walking Dead Vol. 3: Safety Behind Bars' by Robert Kirkman, Charlie Adlard and Cliff Rathburn | book review - Writer's Insomnia

'The Walking Dead Vol. 3: Safety Behind Bars' by Robert Kirkman, Charlie Adlard and Cliff Rathburn | book review

By Julita Stefaniak - May 02, 2020

Rating: 5/5

Goodreads link: The Walking Dead Vol. 3
Read: physically (Polish)
Dates read: 01/04/2020
Pages: 134

If you haven't read my previous reviews:
The Walking Dead Vol. 1 click >>HERE<<
The Walking Dead Vol. 2 click >>HERE<<

The third volume of The Walking Dead was similarly good to the second one, if not even better. I flew through it in one sitting and when I reached the end I was left wanting more. The cliffhanger is definitely a strong one. It made me google if the fourth volume was maybe avaiable somewhere for free (for legal reasons this is a joke) because I so desperately needed to know what happens next.
I also came back to the TV show thanks to this graphic novel, but I realised that I prefer to stick with the books from now on. I think it is because of how less gruesome they are! The TV show's aim is to shock the viewers and make them wince at the sight of the dead. As I mentioned in my previous reviews, the books' aim is just to show the reality and not make you want to throw up from the disgusting drawings. I didn't know how much I appreciated this until I turned to the TV show. 

The plot of this volume was interesting, hopeful and surprising, I think the best one out of the first three. Some twists I really couldn't see coming! Despite the subject of zombies, I think the story was quite realistic. The characters were well created and almost alive. The only thing I dislike the most is Rick, the same reason as with my previous review. He is acting like such a hero no one needs nor wants. For half of the story I wanted to punch him in the face or wished he died in a fight with zombies. 

I truly can't wait to get my hands on the next volume of The Walking Dead. I so wish Scribd had it in their collection. 

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  1. Judging from your review I can totally understand why you wanted to read the next part so soon! It must have been a great read (view :D). I know that right now it is really hard to get the next parts as physial copies, but I guess the graphic novels on the screen are much worse than on the paper so I guess it will be worth the wait when they reopen book shops again :D!

    Can't wait for your next review Babe ❤️!

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