April 2019 - Writer's Insomnia

'Anxiety free' Sam Owen | Book review

By Julita Stefaniak - April 27, 2019
I always felt a little scared to pick up a book about mental health. Especially one that claims to change my life in just 4 weeks, just like this one does.  However, on the day I found this book, I just signed up for a city library. I was excited and motivated to read because I've never been to a good public library before....

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New record! | reading update | 15.04 - 21.04

By Julita Stefaniak - April 23, 2019
I have to admit I'm pretty proud of myself and how my reading is going. If only I had as much motivation to write as I have to read would make my life so much better, haha! But I'm trying to push through this slump and get creating!  That being said, let's talk about the books I finished this week which also helped...

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Mamma Mia Here We Go Again... unfortunately | film talk

By Julita Stefaniak - April 22, 2019
I have to admit I have seen Mamma Mia at least five times already. It's fun and heartwarming and so beautifully shot... Each song, each scene interosculate to create a great film that is always always there to lift you up. It is one of my go-to picks when I'm in need of something to smile at. When I heard about the Mamma...

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Audiobooks are life! | reading update | 08.04 - 14.04

By Julita Stefaniak - April 18, 2019
This was another great and successful reading week. This month I already finished 5 books and we're only halfway through the month. There is still so much time left so I'm positive I'll be able to beat my highest score of 7 books in a month!  The first book I finished at the beginning of the week was Aurora Leigh by Elizabeth Better...

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O.W.L.s Exams! | reading update | 01.04 - 07.04

By Julita Stefaniak - April 10, 2019
On Youtube, one of my favourite types of videos is reading vlogs. I could watch them for hours on end and when I'm done I'm left feeling utterly inspired to do my own reading (check out Hailey in Bookland and her videos; they are absolutely one of my favourites!).  However, I've never seen this type of content in a blog post style (if you...

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'Room' Emma Donoghue | Book review

By Julita Stefaniak - April 09, 2019
Sometimes when you're browsing through the shelves to pick something new to read, you find a book you've never heard of before. You get it in your hands and you instantly know you need to give it a go. It might be the title, the cover, or just that gut feeling. In this case, it was the last one. Title: Room  Author: Emma...

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Why posting this blog took me the longest time

By Julita Stefaniak - April 01, 2019
It always felt like the first post should be special and make a great introduction for the whole page. That's why I've been thinking about what it should be about for a while now. Nothing suitable, however, came to my mind.  Just post what you've already written, dummy.  I would tell myself but it never felt right. This is how my overthinking and...

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