Why posting this blog took me the longest time

By Julita Stefaniak - April 01, 2019

It always felt like the first post should be special and make a great introduction for the whole page.
That's why I've been thinking about what it should be about for a while now. Nothing suitable, however, came to my mind. 
Just post what you've already written, dummy. 
I would tell myself but it never felt right. This is how my overthinking and the fear of not doing something well enough really delayed this page going live.
And that's not only it. The fear of giving up on this blog has been constantly overflowing my head. I don't want to fail and disappoint myself because of yet another unfinished project. Because I knew that when it goes live, that's it. I'm officially in a long term relationship.  
My plan (or dream) is to post regularly and make it a page worthwhile staying on. I've been following some amazing blogs that never fail to inspire me. I know how a reader should feel when browsing through a website. 

This is why ever since the idea popped into my head, I wanted, no, needed, to execute it absolutely perfectly. I spent a lot of time adjusting the template, hours squinting my eyes to work out how HTML works. You have no idea how many times I wanted to punch the screen because something was not working the way I imagined it. But I managed to set it all up by myself and I have to admit, I'm quite proud of the final result. 

After that was done, my plan was to write as much as I can in advance before posting this blog. I know myself and my talent to procrastinate. If I had some backup texts ready, even without time or creative thoughts something was always to appear on this blog. I'm also proud to share, I have some prepared posts, but they never felt appropriate enough to become my official first entry. 

The funny thing is, I stopped working on the design of the website before March. 
It's now April and as I'm writing this I realised how much time I've wasted because of overthinking and the need to create something perfect. If I didn't promise myself to take on a different approach I would probably still only think about running a blog and not actually doing it.

This is why I want you to not make the same mistakes as me. 
Do something for yourself. Something you have always wanted to try or come back to but was too scared or too lazy to do. Stop the voices inside your head, the ones that find new excuses and point out all the flaws. If I had started posting on here immediately, I know I would have improved massively. Maybe I would have even created a writing routine or gained a friend or two.
You are in charge of shaping your reality and only you are there to stop you. So don't let that voice win, because time passes and you can't get it back. I wish I understood and believed it sooner. Cause I knew that it was always there at the back of my head but I never actually searched my soul.

I know that writing is my future. So, right here, right now, I'm promising to myself and to you, probably my first reader, to stop caring too much and overthinking. I love creating and that's all that counts. Everything else will fall into place. 

Click here to find out more about me and the content you will find on this blog >>  About me

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