Summer book haul 2019 - Writer's Insomnia

Summer book haul 2019

By Julita Stefaniak - August 23, 2019

Since I kinda disappeared from social media and this blog for the whole summer, I decided to make a blog post with all the books I got over the last three months. I'm genuinely excited for each and every one of these books and I can't wait to share my reviews with you! For some of them I have already written and published reviews or book talks, for others I have them planned.

The first two novels I didn't purchase myself, they were a gift from my boyfriend for my birthday (I'm 21 now by the way, yikes).

Tender Eve Ainsworth

Book review 
As I'm writing the first draft of this post, I've read about half of this book. I can already tell even though it's a short, simply written read, it's not the easiest one. It deals with mental health, the struggles of two lost teenagers trying to cope with their difficult life situations.

Kingdom of Ash Part 1 Sarah J. Maas 

The Polish edition of Kingdom of Ash has two parts but I'm not mad because it's a chunky read. I love big books and even split in half it satisfies me. It's the 7th instalment in the Throne of Glass series which means I still have some catching up to do before I can dive into it. I really should come back to it, but recently I've been in a mood for teenage romances rather than fantasy.

Save me Mona Kasten

Since there is already a book review up on my blog, the only thing I can really do is refer you to it. I also have prepared a book talk where in a loose form I'm talking about the juicy moments from the series. If you have read Save me, definitely check it out and leave your thoughts under!

Save you Mona Kasten

Book review [will be up 05.09] | Book talk (with spoilers) [will be up 09.09]
This is a second book from the trilogy, the review for it will be up soon (see dates above). As I'm writing this, I have already read this book and I'm a wee bit disappointed. The first book in the Maxton Hall series (the worst possible name for the whole series if you ask me) was way better both when it comes to the plot as well as the writing style.

Save us Mona Kasten

Book review [will be up 16.09] | Book talk with spoilers [will be up 21.09]
As I'm writing this, I still don't have the physical copy - I'm going to go buy it later today. As of right now, I'm excited to finish the series and keeping my fingers crossed it's better than Save you. I really need this series to end on a good note, because of how much I liked  Save me. If this is good, I'll just forget Save you ever existed. 

Zenith Sasha Aslberg and Lindsay Cummings

Even with the hype surrounding Zenith and the fact that I've been following Sasha on YouTube for quite some time now, I still don't know what this book is exactly about. All I know is that tt's a fantasy novel with many points of view. I think it takes place in space. The rest I'll know when I dive into it.

The Darkest Star Jennifer L. Armentrout

Until I saw this book in a bookstore I didn't even know it existed. I got so excited to see that I'm able to once again dive into the Lux universe. Obsidian is probably one of my favourite books and Armentrout's writing style is in my opinion, absolutely brilliant. Can't wait to finally start reading this one!

Listen to your heart by Kasie West

It was a bit of a spontaneous pick, I saw it on the shelve and decided to give it a go. I heard about Kasie West on booktube and since I'm all about summer love stories now, I decided to buy it. I don't know much about the plot, but I don't mind. Can't wait to pick it up!

Have you read any of these books? Or maybe they are still waiting on your tbr? Let me know in the comments down below!

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  1. I am glad that you like those first two books, even thought the second one still has "to read" status ��.

    I love the idea of the short reviews ��, just one sentence, but it gives you a short overview. I guess I would like to read more like it! :D
