'The Walking Dead Vol. 2: Miles Behind Us' by Robert Kirkman, Charlie Adlard and Cliff Rathburn | book review - Writer's Insomnia

'The Walking Dead Vol. 2: Miles Behind Us' by Robert Kirkman, Charlie Adlard and Cliff Rathburn | book review

By Julita Stefaniak - April 14, 2020

Rating: 5/5
Goodreads link: The Walking Dead, Vol. 2
Read: physically (Polish)
Dates read: 01/04/2020
Pages: 134

If you haven't seen my review of The Walking Dead, Vol. 1 click >>HERE<<

The second volume of The Walking Dead, in my opinion, is definitely better than the first one. Instead of mostly focusing on Rick, it followed the story of the whole group of the survivors. That made it way more interesting and less annoying (if you read my review of vol.1 you know that I'm not the biggest fan of Rick). What I also enjoyed plot-wise is that it was way more surprising as I haven't reached that part in the TV show yet. I wonder if I just haven't watched enough of it or if it's just more loosely based on the graphic novels later on in the series than I originally thought. 

In Miles Behind Us, the dialogue is way better than in the first volume. It's more natural and plausible. It might be that now the plot is more developed and there are more characters to give voice to, it is easier to make the conversations and reactions sound realistic. There is no need to fill the blank spaces anymore. 

What I find interesting is the change of the graphic designer of the second volume (and later the third one - I don't know about the rest of the series). In the first one, Kirkman praised Tony More and his amazing skills, yet the next ones are done by someone else. 
It was only when writing the title of the blog that I actually noticed it and compared the two styles; I haven't noticed it on my own. When you put them next to each other it's quite vivid. Unfortunately, I think I prefer More's style as it's softer. Adlard uses too little shades of grey and focuses mainly on blacks and whites. 

Immediately after I finished Miles Behind Us I grabbed the third volume as I needed to know what happens next. I will post a short review of the third volume later this week or at the beginning of next week. 

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  1. To change the graphic designer of the graphic designer i the middle of the series is indeed a challange, but I am really happy that it didn't ruin the flow of the plot or anythi g 😀!

    I also really like the fact, that the dialogues are more blieveable and natural compared to the first novel 😀!

    Cant wait to read your next reviews Babe 😍❤😘

  2. To change the graphic designer of the graphic designer i the middle of the series is indeed a challange, but I am really happy that it didn't ruin the flow of the plot or anythi g 😀!

    I also really like the fact, that the dialogues are more blieveable and natural compared to the first novel 😀!

    Cant wait to read your next reviews Babe 😍❤😘

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