'Brave New Girl' by Chloe Brotheridge | book review - Writer's Insomnia

'Brave New Girl' by Chloe Brotheridge | book review

By Julita Stefaniak - March 13, 2020

Rating: 4.5/5
Goodreads link: Brave New Girl
Read in: English (physically)
Dates read: 23/02/20 - 08/03/20 
Pages: 331

I've been struggling with my confidence ever since I  remember although my mum says when I was a child I didn't have a care in the world, seems impossible now. I have been on the lookout for ways to change that, come back to the child I used to be. I have to admit I'm one of those people who would love a quick recipe for the success and change myself in preferably less than two days. I am aware it doesn't work like that but a girl can wish, right?
That's why I'm the perfect target for so many books that claim to fix your confidence problem with every page. Even this one has a shiny sticker on the front: 'Seven simple steps to confidence'.
Let me tell you they are not simple.

From the introduction, I knew I found a good book to devote my time to. Chloe started with words of encouragement, emphasizing that it's a long journey not a race. It spoke to my heart, was relatable without trying too hard. The introduction was natural and made me want to continue with this book and persuaded me it could actually help to change me.

Brave New Girl is not a book you'll read in one evening with cookies and tea. I wasn't able to read big chunks of it at once and I honestly believe that's a good thing. Chole's words made me think, dig deep and try to find the core of my problems. I liked the exercises and did quite a bit of them. By writing down some of the answers I was able to realise a few important things. I'm thinking about buying this book and tagging my favourites to come back to them if needed.

Definitely, my favourite thing about this book is how study-based it is. The amount of work and research that has gone into this project is undeniable. What I also really appreciate is the quotes and examples from other books, I feel like it gives you some great recommendations to get a better understanding of this and relating subjects.

Thanks to reading this book I actually got involved in the community created by Chloe on Instagram and Facebook. It's amazing what this girl does for free to help other women feel their best. The support there fills me with so much joy. Not everyone can afford a coach or a therapist to talk through their problems and this is a temporary solution that could change some people's lives.

Am I confident now? Definitely no, haha! I still have a lot ahead of me to get to the place I want to be at. But truly, no matter where you are in life I feel like this book could help you understand a few things about yourself and society. There were a few chapters I couldn't relate to but could see other people benefiting from them enormously.

Do you like reading self-help books? Maybe you have some recommendations on what I should read next? Let me know! 

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  1. I love the fact, that this book was so helpful and frankly, I believe the same: it's a long run, not a race. As you might know I am a strong believer in the scientific method and therefore I really like the fact that this book is based on research and scientific findings, rather than a cliches, half-truths and some "magic steps". This is what the good book about such a topic should be.

    I love the idea of creating a space for all the readers. That is simply amazing! I love the fact that this book was so helpful My Love ❤️!

    P.S.: Can't wait for your next reviews!😍😍😍
