2019 - Writer's Insomnia

'Surrender to the Highlander' by Lynsay Sands | Book review

By Julita Stefaniak - October 16, 2019
Rating: 4/5 Even though I have read a fair share of adult romances in my past (Nicholas Sparks, I'm looking at you), my first choice is always YA. It's usually just fluffier and easier to read in one sitting. Recently I realised my taste in books is shifting a little bit, so when I was in the public library for the first time...

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'The Selection' by Kiera Cass | Book review

By Julita Stefaniak - October 09, 2019
Rating: 4,5/5 I know, I know, I'm so late to jump on the bandwagon. I don't know exactly how old this series is, but I remember vividly my best friend in middle school describing the plot to me. Now I'm at uni, so The Selection has been around for quite some time.  I decided to pick it up only because Scribd recommended it...

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'Tender' by Eve Ainsworth | Book review

By Julita Stefaniak - September 15, 2019
Trigger warning: depression, violence Rating: 3.5/5 Marty and Daisy have one thing in common: they both are hiding their true selves from the rest of the world. Pretending to everyone that everything is fine became a habit, a shield protecting them from overwhelming feelings. They created these personas that help them get through the day. But underneath that all, it's not fine. Marty's...

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'Save me' by Mona Kasten | Book talk - with spoilers

By Julita Stefaniak - August 26, 2019
While writing the book review (shameless self-promo), I realised that there are things I would love to talk about, yet I can't without reviling some juicy spoilers. Here's a list of memorable moments from the book and my not-so-important comments that I still felt the need to share.  1. The ball I absolutely truly loved everything about the Victorian era inspired school ball....

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Summer book haul 2019

By Julita Stefaniak - August 23, 2019
Since I kinda disappeared from social media and this blog for the whole summer, I decided to make a blog post with all the books I got over the last three months. I'm genuinely excited for each and every one of these books and I can't wait to share my reviews with you! For some of them I have already written and published...

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'Save me' by Mona Kasten | Book review

By Julita Stefaniak - August 22, 2019
Rating: 4.5/5 I was craving a good old fluffy ya romance for the longest time now. No magic, no 'funny business' (if you know, you know), just simple, teenage, dramatic, good girl-bad boy romance. And when I saw Save me on the shelve in a bookstore, I immediately knew it was a perfect fit. I didn't even read the description, I just grabbed...

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'The-Hundred-Year-Old-Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared' by Jonas Jonasson | Book review

By Julita Stefaniak - May 31, 2019
Follow my blog with Bloglovin The-Hundred-Year-Old-Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared is a story about... a hundred-year-old man who climbed out of the window and disappeared. Allan is bored with his life in an old people's home. On his hundredth birthday, minutes before celebrating it with others (including the Mayor and other important people), he decides to run away in...

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'All of the Above' by James Dawson | Book review (SPOILERS at the end)

By Julita Stefaniak - May 07, 2019
Trigger warning: self-harm, eating disorders Rating: 2.5/5 I’ve been putting off writing this review for a few weeks now. Coming back to this book was not an easy decision, because it influenced me more than I anticipated. But, finally, I’m sitting down to it (mostly because I want to go to the library and give it back). All of the Above by James...

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'Anxiety free' Sam Owen | Book review

By Julita Stefaniak - April 27, 2019
I always felt a little scared to pick up a book about mental health. Especially one that claims to change my life in just 4 weeks, just like this one does.  However, on the day I found this book, I just signed up for a city library. I was excited and motivated to read because I've never been to a good public library before....

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New record! | reading update | 15.04 - 21.04

By Julita Stefaniak - April 23, 2019
I have to admit I'm pretty proud of myself and how my reading is going. If only I had as much motivation to write as I have to read would make my life so much better, haha! But I'm trying to push through this slump and get creating!  That being said, let's talk about the books I finished this week which also helped...

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Mamma Mia Here We Go Again... unfortunately | film talk

By Julita Stefaniak - April 22, 2019
I have to admit I have seen Mamma Mia at least five times already. It's fun and heartwarming and so beautifully shot... Each song, each scene interosculate to create a great film that is always always there to lift you up. It is one of my go-to picks when I'm in need of something to smile at. When I heard about the Mamma...

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Audiobooks are life! | reading update | 08.04 - 14.04

By Julita Stefaniak - April 18, 2019
This was another great and successful reading week. This month I already finished 5 books and we're only halfway through the month. There is still so much time left so I'm positive I'll be able to beat my highest score of 7 books in a month!  The first book I finished at the beginning of the week was Aurora Leigh by Elizabeth Better...

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