New record! | reading update | 15.04 - 21.04 - Writer's Insomnia

New record! | reading update | 15.04 - 21.04

By Julita Stefaniak - April 23, 2019

I have to admit I'm pretty proud of myself and how my reading is going. If only I had as much motivation to write as I have to read would make my life so much better, haha! But I'm trying to push through this slump and get creating! 
That being said, let's talk about the books I finished this week which also helped break my record of 7 books read in a month. As of right now, I read 8 books! Whoop, whoop! 

My Heart And Other Black Holes by Jasmine Warga was the first book I finished while at work. As I mentioned in my previous reading update, it was promising at the beginning. The main protagonist is a teenage girl, lost in the big world, confident that she doesn't belong in it and she would do everyone a favour if she just killed herself. The description of her depression felt real, painful almost. However, as the story progressed, it started getting more and more predictable and cringy. At least I didn't have high hopes for it cause the ending sucked! (Rating: 2.5/5)

The second audiobook I listened to while at work was Every Heart A Doorway by Seanan McGuire and I have to admit it was painful. Thank God it was short. The plot was hard to follow at times and sometimes it would get so unexpected that it became a flaw. I honestly don't even know how to describe it right now. A school, some doors... I don't know. Probably the only good aspect of this book was the diversity of the characters. (Rating: 1.5/5)

Last but by no means least is Love & Gelato by Jenna Evans Welch. An amazing book to finish up the mediocre week. It was such a cute and captivating romance! I just couldn't stop listening to it. And now all I want to do is to go to Italy and get myself a big scoop of gelato and run around Florence on a scooter with a cute boy. (Rating: 4.5/5)

Currently reading:
I might have said that I will make this book a priority... I didn't but at least I read a big chunk of it: We'll Always Have Paris by Sue Watson (53% of the book read). I have a long journey back to uni ahead of me so I'll have a lot of time to hopefully finish it this week!
Outlander by Diana Gabaldon (29% of the book read). I'm coming back to it! I read some of it quite a while ago but left it without any good reason. So I'm picking it up! I really want to move forward with my ginormous tbr pile on my nightstand. 

Unfortunately, I start my exams on Friday so I won't be reading much after that. Good news - they only last a week and then my summer break starts; I will have all the time in the world to focus on my reading and writing!
When are your exams? Do you have any plans for the summer break? 

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  1. I'm really proud of you too, sweetheart!❤

    Getting better every day🤘.

    Ir really sounds nice to run around Florence on a scooter with a cute boy 😀😍. Maybe I can help you with it a little bit 😉😘❤

    My exams start in June and end in July or so. It's great I don't have to do everything now, but I would prefer them the way you have it - only one week, and then freedom 🌿💐😘.

    I guess I don't have much planned for the early summer break, but maybe I'll come kayaking with my friends. And of course I will spend as much time with my stunning girlfriend as I can, when she comes back to Poland 😉😘❤

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