O.W.L.s Exams! | reading update | 01.04 - 07.04 - Writer's Insomnia

O.W.L.s Exams! | reading update | 01.04 - 07.04

By Julita Stefaniak - April 10, 2019

On Youtube, one of my favourite types of videos is reading vlogs. I could watch them for hours on end and when I'm done I'm left feeling utterly inspired to do my own reading (check out Hailey in Bookland and her videos; they are absolutely one of my favourites!). 
However, I've never seen this type of content in a blog post style (if you have any good recommendations make sure to comment them down below!) so I decided to give it a go! 

The first week of April was quite productive reading-wise. I decided to join #owlsreadathon2019 held by Book Roast. I heard about it last minute, but I just couldn't let a chance to participate in a Harry Potter themed reading challenge go past me. I'm studying to become a writer (shocking, I know) and to pass my exams I need to complete the prompts of three subjects. Just for my own pleasure and satisfaction, I will be taking four exams, even though it doesn't affect my grade final. 

My TBR for this reading marathon is: 
We'll Always Have Paris by Sue Watson as part of Muggle Studies (the prompt is contemporary) 
Aurora Leigh by Elizabeth Barrett Browning as part of History of Magic (the prompt is published at least 10 years ago)
P.S. I Still Love You by Jenny Han as part of Potions (the prompt is: next ingredient sequel)
The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey as part of Divination  (the prompt is set in the future)

I will try to update my reading progress in this readathon regularly on my Instagram page (@writers.insomnia).   

Now, moving forward to my reading updates for this week! 

The first book I finished reading is Summer in San Remo by Evonne Wareham. I borrowed this book from the library when I was in need of something, light, fluffy and maybe a little stupid. Both the title and the cover looked sunny and inviting so I grabbed it hoping it would get me out of my reading slump. 
It turned out to be everything I expected. The characters are not annoying, but I also didn't care for them in the slightest. The storyline is quite stupid and naive, maybe a little too much at times. But overall I liked it for its simplicity and cute romance. I am planning to write a review, but I don't know when; I have so many of them in mind! (Rating: 3/5)

The second book which I started and finished last week was P.S. I Still Love You and OMG. I listened to the audiobook and I absolutely freaking adored every second of it! So many laughs, heartbreaks, feels! It was everything I expected it to be; and even more. Even though I'm technically an adult I'm still a sucker for cute romances like this. Now I'm getting emotionally ready to start the last book in the series. My heart doesn't want to say goodbye to Lara and Peter just yet (I know the movie is coming out probably, hopefully, this year but still). Again, this is another strong contestant for a review, but I have to write To All The Boys I've Loved Before first. (Rating: 5/5)

I started reading another three books last week. 
We'll Always Have Paris (13% of the book read), a cute contemporary I chose for the reading marathon. As you can see I haven't read much of it but I can already say now I absolutely love the writing style of it! I am, however, having some trouble getting into it. 
Aurora Leigh (66% of the book read), killing two birds with one stone because it's both for my English class at uni and for the reading challenge. But I think I kinda hate it. It's so... not my type. Can't wait to just finish it and move on. 
The 5th Wave (8% of the book read), feels like everyone and their mother have already read this book ages ago. I've had a physical copy of it for a while now so I'm finally giving it a go. I'm reading it in Polish and I haven't done that in a while. It might sound strange but it brings me back to the old times when I would read this type of books in high school before making English my first choice when reading. Feels good. 

This week I want to focus on moving forward in all of those books and finishing at least one of them (spoiler alert: I did). I might also reach for Frankenstein (the 1818 version) by Mary Shelly and Always and Forever, Lara Jean. 

What books have you read this month so far? Are you participating in the Magical Readathon? Let me know in the comments down below!

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  1. It turned out to be great, this YouTube style - blog update! Not that I have much experience with reading vlogs, but I still find this fascinating! I love the idea of the marathon you are taking part in - that you take the books to read as they were your O.W.L.s!

    Summer in San Remo sound fun and I love your review - you probably needed something very light and easy to read.
    As you know, The movie for The 5th Wave was very entertaining to me, but I didn't read the book, and you really liked it better - the film was too far fetched.

    Can't wait to read your new blog updates!

    1. Thank you so much!
      I know, this marathon is a perfect match for me! Maybe you should try joining in, but I guess you would have to wait for next year haha!
      The book is better than the movie in every single aspect. And I guess a lot of people thought that cause I didn't hear anything about the sequel coming out!
